Sunday, February 13, 2011

Confirmation Day

Courtnie Kay-the Confirmand

Courtnie was confirmed at Christ the Good Shepherd Chapel (St. Joseph's Catholic Church) today.  She chose her older sister, Ashlie as her sponsor.  It makes a mom proud when her children take this type of journey in Christ together.
It's a learning experience for me as well.  When Alan died, I started questioning everything I had learned in my faith.  Watching Ashlie last year go through her journey in Christ to confirmation and then this year watching Courtnie with Ashlie guiding her, makes me wonder sometimes why we question the plan God had for us.  It's human nature because sometimes I think I have it all figured out and something happens and those questions arise again--sometimes out of no where.  It can be a song on the radio, a certain smell, a type of food or even just a fleeting thought that crosses your mind.  Then you experience a mass like today and share it with your children and all almost seems right in the world again.
I also had the privilege of being a proxy sponsor for Megan Jones-Siebert who also happens to be Courtnie's best friend.  For me--it 's even more special to be able to sit with the confirmands during mass and know that you are being part of an awesome event for them.  I was able to sit with Courtnie and Ashlie as well so it was just a special day for me all around.  So thank you Megan for asking me to fill in such an important role.

Courtnie had to chose a saint name as part of her confirmation.  She chose Frances and she had to write down why she chose this person.  She said the main reason she chose Frances is because her saint's feast day is on Alan's birthday.  What an awesome honor to her younger brother.  I wonder sometimes about mentioning him because it was such a sad time for all of us I just don't want to make them sad again.  But then they do things like this--and I realize they miss him just as much as I do. 

This past week was really rough for me.  Things going on at work and then as I had mentioned in an earlier post, this time of year is just tough for me.  I had a hard time figuring out what needed to be done for today and then wondering how it was all going to get done but as usual it was all for nothing.  Everyone pitched in to help get the house in order, even Cayden when I told him we were having a party.  The day turned out perfectly.  And everything got done as it needed to.

I am so proud of Courtnie for taking this step in her faith and for welcoming the holy spirit into her soul.  As the Bishop said today, us, as parents, are the main leader in the way our children follow Christ and so it makes me feel good knowing my children are beginning to make their own way with Christ.

I also thought back to the day I was confirmed and how different it was for me.  I chose my grandmother or Granny Zim  as I called her as my sponsor.  I don't really remember much about that day, just that my brother and I were confirmed on the same day and that we took a picture with the Bishop.  I am hoping that today being as special as it was for me, that my girls will remember more about their confirmation than I did. 

As I close tonight, I wish to share some pictures of today with you.  I also wish for each of you to have a pleasant week and for everything to go as you want.

The confirmation blessing

Bishop Joe Vasquez

The cake

James & Nancy Lehmann (Don's sister and husband)

Steven & Elena Schultz (my brother and wife)

Steven & Elena, Jeanette Huelsebusch (Don's mom) and Anne Schultz (my mom)
& (lower right) AJ Lehmann (nephew)

Megan & Courtnie

Wouldn't be complete with out Ashlie

and Cayden

And of course--all three--Courtnie, Cayden, & Ashlie

Ashlie, Cayden, & Courtnie--2/7/10--Ashlie's confirmation

And last but not least--Our Little Nemo.

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